Posts tagged "LSD"

Steve & Steve, a brilliant web comic about an acid trip
Oct 15, 2013 • No Comments
Steve & Steve, an online graphic novel by Patrick Farley, follows fictionalized versions of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as they embark on an LSD trip in Silicon Valley, 1975. Together they discuss lost love, the Cold War, the history of human evolution, and much more. The second “issue” was just released, and it’s just as incredible as the first. Patrick Farley is also the creative force behind, perhaps best known for bringing Terence McKenna’s “Stoned Ape” theory to life in the form of an animated comic called The First Word. Check it out, it’s just as trippy as...

Hella_Brad live-tweets his first acid trip
Jun 5, 2013 • 1 Comment
This is from a few months back, but is so full of innocent wonder that I have to post it! In September, @hella_brad took his first dose of acid and decided to live-tweet the trip. Considering the frequency and quality of the tweets, not to mention his ability to walk around and socialize, I imagine he took a low dose. Some have questioned the veracity of the tweets, but to me it seems real, and it would be a silly thing to fake. Hella_brad’s Twitter persona comes across as genuine and endearing, not just in these tweets but...

My First Solo LSD Experience Discovering the Inner Sanctum with Some Molecular Assistance
Apr 1, 2013 • 4 Comments
I had taken LSD once before, but it was a smaller dose taken in a social setting. This time it would be 250µg, alone in the comfort of my apartment. Here are a few anecdotes and musings from that sunny April day. Some were written in my expanded state of mind, while others were recollected in the following days and weeks. It was one of the most remarkable days of my life. I peer in the mirror, in awe at the living being before me. My hand is pale but splotchy, a red and purple thing against the...